7 May 2021, Bergen - Today Lifecare has held a General Meeting. Christian Hysing-Dahl resigned after 9 years as a member of Lifecare's Board ofDirectors. The General Meeting elected Morten Foros Krohnstad as the newChairman of the Board. In addition, Hans Johan Hekling was elected as a Boardmember.
In addition the Lifecare Board of Directors includes already elected membersTrine Teigland, Prof. Lutz Heinemann and Bo Petersson.
Minutes from the General Meeting is enclosed.
About LifecareLifecare (LIFE) is a Bergen-based technology company developing a miniaturesensor for correct and continuous monitoring of blood sugar in people withdiabetes. The company's patented technology also has the potential for use invarious biomarkers.
For more information, please contact: Joacim Holter, CEOPhone: +47 40 05 90 40Email: joacim.holter@lifecare.attme.dev