Bergen, Norway 05.10.2021
Reference is made to the announcement published on 5 October 2021 by Lifecare AS(the "Company") regarding the completion of a private placement (the "PrivatePlacement").
The following primary insider has been allocated shares in the PrivatePlacement: Hereid Invest AS, a company wholly owned by the Company's investorrelations and controller Kine Hereid, has been allocated 117,647 Offer Sharesand will following completion of the Private Placement own 117,647 shares in theCompany.
Further information: Joacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EUMarket Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuantto Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchangeannouncement was published by Kine Hereid, Investor Relations at Lifecare AS, on05.10.2021 at 20:10 CET.