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Stock market announcements Archive - Page 18 of 24 - Lifecare
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Stock market announcement archive

August 5, 2021
Bergen, Norway 05.08.21Please find attached Lifecare AS' unaudited Interim Report for first half 2021.The report is also available on Further informationJoacim Holter, CEO, Lifecare AS,, +47 40 05 90 40This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement waspublished by Kine Hereid, […]
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August 3, 2021
Bergen, Norway 03.08.21The European Patent Office (EPO) has as expected decided to grant Lifecare a newpatent for an updated sensor measuring system. The now approved patent expandsLifecare's protection in time and scope. As announced in Lifecare's press release 25.03.21, the EPO by then intended togrant this patent, about an "interstitial fluid osmotic pressure measuringdevice system […]
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June 24, 2021
Bergen, Norway 24.06.21Lifecare AS has acquired 100% ownership of the German company Cantimed UG,following a share purchase agreement with Nanoscale Systems Nanoss GmbH. The transaction includes a license ensuring LifecareŽs access to the patentedNano3DSense technology in the medical field. This implies a continuation ofLifecare's license covering the field of diabetes originally established in 2018- and […]
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June 22, 2021
Lifecare is happy to announce that the collaboration with the ChemistryDepartment of Bath University, UK, has been prolonged and further amplified.This will ensure mutual beneficiary progress on the development of proprietaryspecific chemistry solutions for detection of glucose and additional analytes ofinterest based on the Sencell technology. In addition, Lifecare has directly engaged, Dr. Jordan Edward […]
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June 22, 2021
Lifecare is happy to announce that the collaboration with the ChemistryDepartment of Bath University, UK, has been prolonged and further amplified.This will ensure mutual beneficiary progress on the development of proprietaryspecific chemistry solutions for detection of glucose and additional analytes ofinterest based on the Sencell technology. In addition, Lifecare has directly engaged, Dr. Jordan Edward […]
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May 7, 2021
7 May 2021, Bergen - Today Lifecare has held a General Meeting. Christian Hysing-Dahl resigned after 9 years as a member of Lifecare's Board ofDirectors. The General Meeting elected Morten Foros Krohnstad as the newChairman of the Board. In addition, Hans Johan Hekling was elected as a Boardmember. In addition the Lifecare Board of Directors […]
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May 7, 2021
7 mai 2021, Bergen - Lifecare har i dag gjennomført generalforsamling. Christian Hysing-Dahl trådte ut av styret etter 9 år som del av Lifecares styre.Generalforsamlingen valgte Morten Foros Krohnstad som ny styreleder. I tilleggble Hans Johan Hekling valgt som styremedlem. Styret for øvrig var ikke på valg og består av Trine Teigland, Prof. LutzHeinemann og […]
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May 6, 2021
Lifecare is pleased to announce Kine Hereid as its new Controller and head ofInvestor Relations. Previously she was CFO at Borea Asset Management for 17years. Hereid is a graduate from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH - Siviløkonom)and has vast experience with tasks such as accounting, reporting, controllingand analysis. At Lifecare she will be responsible […]
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April 23, 2021
Lifecare AS avholder Generalforsamling 7. mai 2021 kl 10:00. Møtet vil bligjennomført som et kombinert fysisk og digitalt møte. Aksjonærer oppfordres tilå delta digitalt eller å forhåndsstemme via den elektroniske plattformen. Nærmere informasjon om deltakelse og påmelding fremkommer av innkallingen. Innkalling og årsberetning følger vedlagt denne meldingen. Generalforsamlingenssaksdokumenter kan lastes ned fra Kontaktperson: Joacim […]
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April 23, 2021
Lifecare AS will hold a General Meeting on 7 May 2021 at 10:00. The meeting willbe conducted as a combined physical and digital meeting. Shareholders areencouraged to participate digitally or to vote in advance via the electronicplatform.Further information about participation and registration appears fromthe notice.Notice and annual report are attached to this report. The general […]
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