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Stock market announcements Archive - Page 19 of 24 - Lifecare
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Stock market announcement archive

April 23, 2021
Lifecare AS avholder Generalforsamling 7. mai 2021 kl 10:00. Møtet vil bligjennomført som et kombinert fysisk og digitalt møte. Aksjonærer oppfordres tilå delta digitalt eller å forhåndsstemme via den elektroniske plattformen. Nærmere informasjon om deltakelse og påmelding fremkommer av innkallingen. Innkalling og årsberetning følger vedlagt denne meldingen. Generalforsamlingenssaksdokumenter kan lastes ned fra Kontaktperson: Joacim […]
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April 23, 2021
Lifecare AS will hold a General Meeting on 7 May 2021 at 10:00. The meeting willbe conducted as a combined physical and digital meeting. Shareholders areencouraged to participate digitally or to vote in advance via the electronicplatform.Further information about participation and registration appears fromthe notice.Notice and annual report are attached to this report. The general […]
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April 20, 2021
Lifecare publiserer i dag årsmelding med årsregnskap for 2020. Rapportene ergjenstand for godkjenning i selskapets generalforsamling 7. mai 2021. Spørsmål kan rettes til: Joacim Holter, CEO Tel: +47 40 05 90 40E-mail:
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April 20, 2021
Lifecare is today publishing its annual report with accounts for 2020. Thereports are subject to approval by the company's general meeting on 7 May 2021.For more information, please contact: Joacim Holter, CEOPhone: +47 40 05 90 40Email:
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April 4, 2021
4. April 2021, Bergen - Digital Diagnostics AG's (Digid) management has filedfor bankruptcy at the district court of Mainz. The filing was delivered withoutany prior information to or discussion with the Digid Supervisory board. The joint venture agreement regarding Digid provides protection of Lifecare'sinterests, including Lifecare IP rights, in the event of a bankruptcy. "All […]
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March 25, 2021
25 March 2021, Bergen - Today, Lifecare announces that The European PatentOffice has issued its intent to grant Lifecare a new patent, expandingLifecare's patent protection in time and scope. Lifecare has reviewed theexamining division's comments to the patent application and concludes that thesuggested cosmetic changes are acceptable. On this base, Lifecare expects theEuropean Patent Office […]
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March 19, 2021
March 19th, 2021, Bergen - Lifecare's partner, Digital Diagnostics AG (Digid),has developed a novel 5-minute antigen rapid virus detection test. TheCantisense test method is based on proteins binding onto the virus antigen,which leads to electronically measurable changes. The method is highlysophisticated and advanced compared to already existing virus detection testmethods: - The monoclonal antibody technology […]
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February 15, 2021
Bergen, February 15th, 2021 - Lifecare AS (LIFE) Lifecare has received regulatory approval for the first-in-human SencellClinical Study Protocol from the German Federal Institute for Drugs and MedicalDevices (BfArM). With this final remaining approval, Lifecare has reached itsgoal to have clinical pilot trial permission as planned in Q1 2021. Lifecare CEO Joacim Holter says, "With […]
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February 15, 2021
Financial calendar for Lifecare ASFINANCIAL YEAR 202105.08.2021 - Half-yearly Report20.04.2021 - Annual Report07.05.2021 - Annual General MeetingThis information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in theContinuing obligations.
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February 15, 2021
Finansiell kalender for Lifecare ASREGNSKAPSÅR 202105.08.2021 - Halvårsrapport20.04.2021 - Årsrapport07.05.2021 - Ordinær generalforsamlingDenne informasjonen offentliggjøres i henhold til kravene i Løpendeforpliktelser.
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